Thank you for choosing our flooring. Our flooring comes in 1 to 12 ft. lengths and should be advertised as such. Orders should be calculated to include 5 to 10% extra to allow for cutting waste and defects. This flooring will need to be end trimmed when it is installed, we cannot produce wide flooring in long lengths if we cut out every defect. Some defects will need to be cut out when it is installed. This can be accomplished when it is laid out to fit the room. For best results be sure to calculate 5 to 10 % extra for this purpose. When installing this flooring, be sure to allow extra time for fitting boards, more wood filler, and also more time for sanding that you would a traditional narrow floor.
We cannot guarantee any specific lengths on any specific order and one should expect a high percentage of 3,4, and 5 ft lengths; however, we will make a good faith effort to ship a good selection of lengths on each order. Flooring is packed in 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 ft bundles and pieces can range from 1 ft up to bundle length. We cannot produce flooring in purely long lengths or guarantee any percentage of length. Wide plank flooring should be stored in rooms where it is to be used at normal room temperature for 10 to 14 days before installation to allow it to acclimate to the humidity in the home. In areas of the country that are at high elevations and naturally lower humidity even longer time is needed. Flooring needs to be both glued and nailed down to the sub-floor. Nails should be spaced 6 to 8 inches apart. all this information should be shared and discussed with your installer before work begins. Although this type of flooring is a little more time consuming and difficult to install, it is well worth the effort in the end. You will have a beautiful and unique floor that will last for many years to come. If you have any questions please call us at 706-259-3241.
For returns we will charge 15% restocking fee. We do not pay return shipping cost. Only in cases of severe miss-manufacture, to be determined by us upon product arrival in our warehouse, will we reimburse the cost of shipping. If we determine that the product could have been reasonably used and issues reasonably resolved, we will not pay shipping.